Pubg Mobile Helikopter

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How to fly the helicopters! | pubg mobile. so here you have a new weapon, a new map in tdm, angry birds mini game and also how to fly the new helicopters in pubg mobile (pubgm chinese server. Pubg mobile next update : helicopter - brdm - new tdm map - new guns : grenade launcher, rpg & more! - duration: 7:26. spd gaming 3,129,897 views. The payload mode in pubg mobile will include helicopter, brdm 2, rpg, rocket launcher, grenade launcher, etc. this mode is specially made for erangle map in pubg mobile. there is no map selection option in this mode. new tdm map in pubg mobile new 15.0 update:.

Pubg mobile to soon get helicopter: players will soon be able to fly the helicopter in pubg mobile. the erangel main aap is going to receive a fresh update and it is going to include a lot of new features including helicopters; however, the exact launch date or the rollout of the update is not known yet officially. pubg mobile released a teaser. New vehicles in pubg mobile. one of the most interesting thing in the upcoming pubg mobile update is the addition of new aerial vehicles. tencent games will introduce aerial combat in the popular battle royale game with a helicopter. the new helicopter in pubg mobile is similar to the real-life boeing ah-6 light helicopter.. Pubg mobile 0.14.0 – helicopters, new ui, new zombie mode and more. the leaked footage also revealed that the upcoming update would also introduce a dog companion feature. apart from that, the game will also introduce a new ui with pubg mobile 0.14.0 update. so, let’s explore the list of expected features of upcoming pubg mobile 0.14.0 update..

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